1.1 Overhauled Skinpaints & Some Tint Maps, added GA part textures. () Overhaul/Redux Update: Adds many extra textures, and compresses file size down. (date unknown)Creepy & Cute/AO Patch: Adds some much needed lighting to existing textures, fixes The Grox bumpmaps so look a bit more like metal, Adds more parts including Creepy & Cute Parts. Update 10/15/19, Worked on a lot of particles, drastically improved flower textures (they are no longer 1 pixel dots, instead they are fully detailed flowers), added more decals, including the hyper epic fossil decal, improved water textures significantly.
Update 10/10/19, Added GA textures, fixed some effects, fixed the grey sky bug on some hardware, improved space effects, added lots of particle effect textures.